Unfinished Giantess

you watch for a few more minutes standing there with your jaw agape at the magnificent sight in front of you. if you described your perfect woman before coming here she'd match and exceed every word. her sheer presence is inventing new neural pathways in your brain for what you like in women.

and that's when she finally cums. thick shots of cum blasting out at impossible speeds from your perspective. one of them striking you directly in the torso splattering you all over and knocking you onto your back. your clothes are irreparably stained. and not just from the outside. the sudden rush of even more potent aphrodisiac made you cum from inside as well.

the shock leaves you breathless for a few moments and somehow this mistake makes your heart flutter even more.

"I have to talk to her." [consent]
"I will cherish this forever, but I can't risk talking to her." [haunted by fantasies ending.]