The Last Of Us: Not Alone.

Ellie Williams:[Gun drawn] What the hell?

Older Woman Survivor(50s): Don't know why the sound system is on & blaring...

Young Man Survivor(20s):...What's with the markings on the floor?

Young Women Survivor(20s):...Someone's here...or was here...

Older Man Survivor (50s): Everyone stay alert. Who knows how many infected there are here...or if we're stumbling upon a Raider hideout.

Voices could be heard echoing in the direction of the entrance both you & Ellie entered from.

EW: Who the fuck are they? Hunters?

[Distant clicking]

Chase Martin: Fuck! Something tells me there's more than a handful of Clickers down there...


EW: Clickers coming your way!

Older Man Survivor: What the!? Oh shit!

The survivors began opening fire on the approaching hoard of Clickers and the Bloater & Shambler.

The Shambler shot acid in their direction, fortunately they dodged in time.

CM:[Shooting at the Clickers] Ellie! White Phosphorus!

Ellie pulls out your M4 & aims at the Shambler.

πŸ’¨πŸ’£πŸ”₯πŸ’₯πŸ”₯[The incendiary explosive engulfed the Shambler & any surrounding Clickers]

Survivors: HOLY FUCK!

CM[Shooting at the Infected]:[Shouting] What are you waiting for!! Shoot!!

EW:[Snapping] Don't talk to me like a rookie!!

CM: I'm telling you!! Shoot!!

Metal Gear Solid Reference.

After all that shooting, Ellie only gunned down three Clickers.

CM:[Fustrated] For Christ's sake!! Put it on 3-round burst fire if you aren't used to full-auto!!

You switch the rifle to burst fire, handing her more magazines.

Advancing with you Bearded Dragon, you shoot & strike down the Clickers that pass you by, both with the blade & butt of your shotgun.

EW:[Impressed] Goddamn... You're cutting them down like it's your job.

CM: I'll take that as a compliment...


EW:[taking cover] Fuck...They're coming your way!

Older Man Survivor: BLOATER! INCOMING!

CM: Shit! Alright, here we go! Ellie! Stick close!

πŸ’₯πŸ’€[Shooting your way to the Bloater, taking Clickers down on the way]

πŸ’£πŸ’ͺ😈[The Bloater prepares to throw spores at the survivors]

EW:[While shooting] NOOO!

[You take the Shotgun-Axe in hand & bisects the Bloater's arm before it could throw spores, literally disarming the infected]


The Bloater turns around & knocks you to the ground, the impact of which knocks the wind out of you as you hit the floor.

Instead of following up the attack, the Bloater continued to make it's way to the others.

CM: Oh no you don't!

You jump back up to your feet & draw your weapon.


πŸ‘Ώ[The Bloater turns around]

πŸ’₯[You blast one of it's legs away like it was a piñata]

Using the axe head to hook the other leg, you sweeper it flat onto it's back.


You slam down the shotgun butt into its fungal face, ejecting the spent shell in the process.

CM:[To Ellie] DUCK!


You blast the head off of a Clicker right behind Ellie.

Before the Bloater could recover, you bring down the bearded axe through the myconaut's throat, beheading the mycelium monstrosity.

EW:[Admitting] Okay... That's actually pretty fucking useful...

Older Woman Survivor: RUN!!!

EW: Oh...
CM: Fuck!

Younger Woman Survivor: I'll cover you all, Go!

The survivors began to retreat, with a woman of theirs staying to give cover.

Young Woman Survivor: C'mon, you're almost here...

CM: Get the do-

πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ[Two Clickers burst in from behind them & tackle them both to the ground]


The woman cries out after Clicker bites below a knee.

Survivors: GRACE!

Acting fast, you pry the Clicker off of her, pushing it back, swinging your Bearded Dragon into the bastard's sternum before pulling the trigger, blasting it's fungal face full of 12 bore.

EW:[Struggling] Get the fuck off of...

EW:[Getting up] ...Are you alright?!

Ellie sees the bite mark on the side of her calf.

πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ[More Clickers begin to pour out]

Older Male Survivor: DUCK!

You hit the deck, drawing your sidearm seeing as your Shotgun-Axe was empty at the moment.

Grace yanks Ellie to the ground in time to have her father bring out the LMG.

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The LMG guns down the remaining Clickers.

Younger Man Survivor:[Weeping] Grace... No....

Older Woman Survivor: Fuck!...

Older Man Survivor: My little girl...

EW:[Guilty] Shit... She got infected saving our asses...

πŸ‘Ώ[A straggler bursts though, about to attack, but the others were in the proximity of your deterrent radius, forcing it to look at you all in confusion]
[Someone from inside the mall shot the Clicker dead, then held his hands up to avoid conflict]

Mall Survivor 1[Young man. 20s]: Are you all okay? We just barely managed to get to our weapons...[Seeing Grace's bite mark] Fuck... We were too late...

Mall Survivor 2[Young woman. 20s]: Ye's been bit too... Damn it!

You examine the tears in your sleeve, the bloody stain from the mark soaked through.

CM: Don't worry about me. I'm immune. She's not.

However, that doesn't mean it's the end for her just yet...[You rummage through your stuff]
[Holding one, Explaining] Field Ready Single Dose Cordyceps Brain Infection Treatment kits. I packed some of them in case someone gets exposed... It can save her life...

Survivors:[Disbelief] Bullshit.

EW: Wait! Ye is, and we can stop her from turning!

Older Woman Survivor: Girl, look... We know you're scared, but lying isn't changing the reality that they both are infected.

CM: I'm not lying.[You show off your forearm, covered in the scars of Clicker & Bloaters] I'm immune, and I have some medicine that could help stop her from turning.

So you could either trust me, or put a bullet in her head.

Older Man Survivor: Immune? *Pfft!* That's not a even a remotely good joke...

Younger Man Survivor: Dad... What if they're telling the truth?

Older Man Survivor: Nate, if ye's telling the truth, ye'd have old as hell bite marks, or be able to breathe spores like nothing...

CM:[Showing off your bite marks again] Ahem...

Grace: Dad... It looks pretty legit.

Older Woman Survivor: Al... If ye is telling the truth, there's an old winery cellar close by with a cellar that broke into the city's sewage system. The whole thing is packed with spores.

Al:... Alright Ellen... You! Whatever medicine that you have, give it. If this does work, we should give it to her ASAP.

CM:[Preparing the kit] Smart man.

Patch goes onto the bite wound. Sterilizes the wound, both from Cordyceps & other pathogens.

This needle here goes straight into her spinal cord, right around the atlas vertebra should do it.

Ellen: Wait, what's in that syringe?

CM: A cocktail of CBI antigens & antibodies. Antibodies target any spores & mycelium, while the antigens give her immune system the blueprints to make them herself... Assuming the treatment works...

Everyone: Assuming?

CM: Unfortunately, this isn't a guarantee.

After getting assistance from her family, you successfully administer the treatment. Explaining her chances.

Al: 35.6% success rate for Clicker bites? What the hell!? How can we increase her chances?

CM: She'll need plasma therapy... The plasma in question is from other immune people, which will give her more antibodies to fight off the Cordyceps, which will buy her body more time to develop an immunity herself... At least to Clickers & below... Still, her own plasma would basically be liquid gold, so if she were to donate it back at a SZ, she'd get a decent sum of credits... Basically my group's form of currency.


Go to the Buffalo Bill Dam here in the city. There's a group of people called "Cutters". They have some plasma treatments & other medicines that can increase her chances. Tell them Chase Martin sent you...

As a matter of fact, give me a minute & I'll radio the one in charge.

Al: Nate... Take the van & get your sister to these Cutters. Offer them anything we have if you need to get her that medicine... Go.

Mall Survivor 3[Older man. 50s]:[To Survivor 1] Jordan, go with them. If they can lend us a hand also, we really need it... Take your cousin with you. We'll deal with the Infected inside.

Jordan: Alright Dad... Let's go Kayla, the sooner, the better.

Kayla: Will they even let us?

Al: You can tag along... There's strength in numbers... Get going though.

Nate: I'll radio you when we're there & safe.

After the four drive off, You were burdened with proving that you are indeed immune.