Everything Went Dark

It was settled: Jordan would sleep outside. The group gave her extra blankets so she wouldn't freeze and said goodnight. There was nothing to do and nothing to say, so they all went to sleep.

The next morning, the group woke up to find Jordan gone. Jordan was innocent. Or maybe she wasn't. The animal had gotten to him. The two would have no way of knowing. However, Tatum and Elliana weren't sent back in time like they should have been. Weird. Maybe they would be the next day. So, they waited. Both of them slept inside the tent. When Elliana woke up, Tatum was gone. Maybe she was back in the present already? Elliana opened the tent. There was Tatum. Dead. She must have gone outside for some reason and the wild animal got to her. Though, she wasn't covered in wounds that an animal would cause. In fact, they kinda looked like stab wounds.

And then she got stabbed. How funny is that? Elliana whipped around. It was Jennan. "Wha-" Elliana started to ask. Jennan explained quickly,"I got lost and then everyone started calling me an animal, so I decided to just start attacking people. I won the game now, and I'll see you back at REV!" Jennan stabbed Elliana again. And again. And again. And again for good measure.

Elliana died. As soon as she fell to the ground, Jennan took out her knife from Elliana's chest. She tapped it. It started flashing bright colors. "Back to the present!" She declared loudly. Almost immediately after, she was sucked through another blur of flashing, swirling colors and was back at REV in less than a minute. She looked around. Where was everyone? She won! and now had bragging rights. she wanted to brag. Jennan wandered around campus. It took about ten minutes for her to find the piles of clothing. And that's when Jennan realized that her friends were actually dead. She had killed most of them. What had she done?! And in a moment of guilt and adrenaline, Jennan looked at her pocket knife. She held it to her heart and everything went dark.
End Of Story