the never ending competion

After five minutes ( or so I thought) I felt decrease the pressure of her foot and a moment later, my aunt took off her left foot from my head and her right (that was on my shoulder) off my back. Finally free to move, when I was on all fours , I looked up. My aunt was looking at me with a broad smile and her beautiful green eyes seemed to glow with joy. I did not know if I should say something to her but I had not even the time to prepare a speech in my mind that her feet were again on my face. That time my aunt did not seem satisfied with my position and maneuvered me like I was a puppet.

A few seconds later I was lying on the floor on my back with both of her feet on my face and in that moment, with her heels on my forehead and her toes almost on my lips, I was in ecstasy. Knowing by now that I had been discovered, I began to smell loudly her feet , more and more tempted to open my mouth, to stick out my tongue and lick relentlessly those soles that seemed fit so good my face. While I was more and more excited and I was struggling to hold back my moans of pleasure, Aunt Emma took off her feet from my face and put them on the sides of my head, with my disappointment. She slightly moved her chair so that, looking up, I could see her face. Aunt Emma giggled again seeing my face flushed.

"God, I love this sound," I thought, continuing to look at the angelic face of my aunt.

When Aunt Emma finished her giggle , she looked straight into my eyes and asked me :

-So ? What has upset you so much this morning? -

Her question caught me by surprise, with all that had happened I would have expected a very different question. I mean, it does not happen every day to have a girl half your age, your own niece , who lets you put your feet in her face and lets you use her as a footstool.

- So ? - My aunt repeated, beginning to lose patience.

- Um .. I talked to my mother, her agent has met one of the production yesterday - I said almost stammering

- And ? - My aunt said, inviting me to continue my speech

- He said that I haven't got the part yet, I have to make a final audition - I was going to add that I would have to compete for the part with her daughter Kaley but my aunt interrupted me

- And how did you feel when you heard that ? - she asked, still watching me intently in the eyes.

- Disappointed, I think. I thought I had already got the part and I was already thinking about when I would read the script for the first time, when I would started shootin ... -

Suddenly the ball of her right foot covered my mouth, silencing me.

- You know - my aunt said, pressing down the ball of her foot in my mouth with so much force that I almost gagged, and looking intently into my eyes, she continued - I changed my mind, I do not care. Now, try to be quiet and not disturb me while I work -

- Honey, come, sit down next to me - my aunt said suddenly, patting on the couch.

Her tone was kind again and for a mad moment I thought that the authoritarian aunt of a few moments before had been just a figment of my imagination. Slowly I got up from the ground and I sat on the couch next to my aunt who took my hands in hers and looked me sweetly in the eyes . I maintained the eye contact, trying to no pay attention to her hands which were still oily because of the chicken.

- Jennifer, I know this is a difficult age. It is not easy to become adults and despite everyone , children, adolescents, dream of becoming adults as quickly as possible , when it's time , they would like only to be able to go back to that carefree life. I know well that your life will change radically within a few years and I know how difficult it can be to face such a change, believe me, I went through it too. It is normal at this age for a girl to ask herself, to experience something different, questioning everything that you are .This is probably the most difficult period in the life of a person, our heart is constantly put to the test because, if it is true that there is nothing more beautiful than first loves, it is also true that these are also the ones that make us suffer more. It is at this time of difficulty and confusion, that many girls begin to have desires that previously they would never have thought to have-

As I continued to watch my aunt intensely, I tightened her hands even more, returning to listen to her melodious voice.

- It is not rare that a girl at this age develop an attraction to other girls , in college we all experienced something -

-I do not ... - I tried to say ,more and more embarrassed , but Aunt Emma interrupted me right away

- Honey, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to another woman, whether it is only a passing phase or not -

I would have wanted to say something but I did not have the strength and I was more and more enchanted by the words of my aunt who had understood exactly what I was feeling at that moment.

- I must confess that being attracted by your aunt is not very common, at least for girls. The boys on the other hand ... but never mind. As I was saying, I was surprised when I noticed how you looked at me -

- I do not know why, I do not know why I'm feeling these emotions - I started to say with tears in my eyes -

- Calm down, everything's fine - my aunt said embracing me and wiping my tears and ,in that moment, in her arms, I felt protected. Then Aunt Emma continued

- As I was saying, being attracted by your aunt is not very common for a girl, but it is also true that few girls have a nice aunt like me - and she laughed, making me smile in my turn - Besides, this your "passion" for my feet it is very particular -

I looked for a moment the bare feet of my aunt and I could not refrain from saying in a whisper :

- They are so beautiful -

- Oh thank you darling, you're so kind - replied my aunt who stretched her legs and admired her feet - I must confess that having the tongue of a person between my toes was a wonderful feeling, so relaxing -

- Really? Did you like it ? - I asked surprised

- Oh yes, at that moment I felt like I was a princess. Have a person prostrate at your feet is something incredible, it gives you such a great feeling of power - Aunt Emma looked radiant and ,encouraged by her beautiful smile, I said :

- If you liked it so much, please aunt, allow me to prostrate myself again at your wonderful feet, let me revere you like a goddess. I'd do anything for you, I would obey any order - again driven by emotion, I lowered my head and I smothered in kisses my aunt's hand.

Aunt Emma did not answer right away and she allowed me to continue to kiss her hand for more than a minute, then she brought her hand to my face and gently asked me:

- That's why you said that word before ? You're so infatuated with me that you'd be my little slavegirl ? -

There was no longer any reason to pretend, to hide my true feelings, so I answered :

- Yes Auntie, I would do anything for you, it would be an honor to be your devoted slave. Please - I had tears in my eyes for the emotions while I begged my beautiful aunt who smiled hearing my answer

- I can not deny that it tempt me the idea to have a slavegirl that runs all my orders , obediently as a puppy. But I think we're running a bit too much, you're very confused right now, your emotions will not let you think clearly and what you want to do is a huge step because it would not be a game. I'm not a friend with whom you can experience your teenagers fantasies , I'm your aunt and a single misstep would damage irreparably our relationship. Remember, you can have hundreds of friends, but there is only one family -

Still with tears in my eyes, I watched my aunt with bewilderment, trying to understand her words. She must have sensed my doubts and said :

- Jen go home . Think carefully, look inside yourself and try to understand the emotions you are feeling. You had to answer these two questions "Who am I ? What do I want ? When you have the answers we'll talk . In the meantime it's better if we do not see each other - Then, giving me a kiss on the forehead, Aunt Emma said - Now go, also I need to think -