The Broken Arrow Inn
You walk over towards the dancer and sit down. She smiles at you and you smile back. A barmaid comes over to take your order. You order a pint of ale. Moments later you are mesmerized by the dancer. The barmaid returns with the pint, she says "Two gold please." You take out your bag just as the dancer dances a very provoative move. Suddenly you are no longer holding your money bag! It is the man from behind the desk acompanied by the bartender. The bartender is a large burley man and does not look like someone you want to make mad.
"What are you doing?!" you insist.
"You still owe me gold for your room! You tried to trick me! Remove his hands!"
"No! It was an honest mistake! Please! Take what I have, I'll not make trouble!" Is all you can think to say, but in the back of your mind you know you will get them back.
They agree and take plenty of your gold to keep them happy and leave you with very little. Wanting to get out of the middle of the attention you...
"What are you doing?!" you insist.
"You still owe me gold for your room! You tried to trick me! Remove his hands!"
"No! It was an honest mistake! Please! Take what I have, I'll not make trouble!" Is all you can think to say, but in the back of your mind you know you will get them back.
They agree and take plenty of your gold to keep them happy and leave you with very little. Wanting to get out of the middle of the attention you...