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You walk to the kitchen and open the fridge.

The content in the fridge is pitiful. There are some eggs to make a decent portion of scrambled eggs. It is filling and nutritious but cooking the eggs will cause you to leave the house late. You will have to take a taxi if you want to reach the place on time.

There are also some leftovers from yesterday’s dinner. The food still looks fine. You do not see any mould on it. Eating the leftovers will be filling but it is not particularly healthy. You will also have some time left if you choose the leftovers.

There is a carton of milk. You check its expiration date and realise that has been expired for a day. You remember that you have still have some cereal. Cereal and milk is the fastest breakfast to eat and prepare, allowing you to have plenty of time left to do other things. However, you have the feeling that you will get sick from the milk.
Alternatively, you could just leave the house without having breakfast.