All roads lead to...

You breeze through Tennessee and Kentucky only to be bogged down in the unchartered wilderness of southern Illinois. You realize you should have taken the longer, more sensical St. Louis to Springfield route after landing behind your fifth combine pushing 10 mph. Thank god the oncoming combine is only pusing 5. You rev the Dodge and squeeze your rosary.
Upon arriving you learn this girl has no spare beds. There's apparently a lot of dangerous media in America today. She offers you a a floor and an air mattress next to her and tells you to be quiet lest her mother find a strange man in her room. You, of course, are incapable of being quiet...
Considering your options as you escape through the open window, you know your only options are to go west or more west. A depressing realization comes over you as understand you are doomed to circle the globe in a westerly direction all of your remaining days.
End Of Story