Grimgar of fantasy and love

You started benting towards the deatspot when you hear an almost inaudible voice. 'thank you'
You looked toward merry with a questioning gaze but she seemed unfazed like the voice wasn't even hers, you were going to continue with his question but a sudden squeal from her made you entirely forget about that.
'Just like I thought a curse was placed on this kobold'
You wanted to ask why would someone put a curse on a low level monster such as kobold' but a stray thought about being a product of beginner necromancer made you entirely change the question.
"I think it maybe dangerous here we should go and inform the commander and priests regarding this asap."
"Yeah I think you should go tell them about it, i will like to continue searching a bit."
"What are you doing for all we know the one who placed the curse on you might still be around and what if it cursed you too."
She rebuked you and quite fiercely at that " so what you want me do just wait for them while I sit around doing nothing while being powerless just like before, all needed to send was just one high level knight to clear deathspot and nobody would have but they never cared about us and never will !"
You feel into an awkward silence, you didn't thought about.
" Sorry haruhiro you helped me bringing peace to my teammates soul and here I am lashing towards you, I am still a bit emotional about their death."
"No, I completely understand but our teammates must coming towards here soon if we don't find something by then and will come here some other time."
"OK" she said quite begrudgingly.