How to find a Way Out

It's another day at work. The days blur together just as the weeks have turned into months. You don't even know if you have the same co-workers as you had when you started. You think you recognize a few, but building relationships in this environment would require caring and right now you give zero semblance of a fuck.

You work for MicroTech, a company that collects sold user data from various sites and apps. Your title is "junior media intelligence analyst", whatever the hell that means. Recently your supervisors have assigned you to a specific project. You were excited for the change, just something vaguely different instead of sifting through a sea of names and numbers and unrelated information.

You've been assigned to monitor a young man, a 19 year old dance student named Alec Lee. You've learned everything about him. You watch him sleep, wake up, eat his breakfast. He seems to know where the cameras are. Sometimes he talks to them. This morning he stares directly at you through the distance and says "I can't see you but I know you're there. It makes me feel safe."

You have 1 choice: