Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

It's All You - The CYOA which fills you with courage (and pringles.. mmm..)

You pull out a hand-mirror from the pocket of your gray sweatpants.

Honestly, you don't look that bad right now. Sure, maybe there's some acne, but nobody should be ashamed of what naturally goes on at your age. Be proud of who you are! If anyone says "You're Ugly" or "You're Fatter than a (Bad term for a donkey)" then tell them I said to "(how babies are made) off! This is MY (Your name) and they're (how babies are made) beautiful!! If you have a problem with that, then leave. Go watch your stupid baby shows and post cringe Tiktoks that get you criticized by the 5 idiots that happen to stumble upon it when searching up (what their mother is)!"

Aight, time to resume the story.