The Ballad of Crud and Horgus v1.1

Well, partner, here we are, at last. When you began this journey, you were but a lone cowboy traversing a barren wasteland with their steed. Since then, you've proven your grit and sharp thinking by conquering the Utopia of the Fist. You took on a quest bestowed by a denim enthusiast, bringing justice in slaying his brother. You took the time to connect with your horse on a deeper, more spiritual level, and you used that connection to overthrow the villain and menace of a small desert town.
Now, you and Horgus look down at your slain foe, unsure of how to feel. But life goes on, for you, anyway. You mount Horgus as the people cheer your name and ask if you could just stay for a while longer. You see Greta Wyoming, who you met at the tavern, and she gives you a warm smile. Soft Linus is also among the crowd, and he too looks at you with fondness. You consider, just for a moment, that perhaps this small desert town is where you belong. You see flashes what it would be like to settle down here... it's pleasant.
But it's not for you. You look out at the setting sun and know there's more out there. More to see. Your ambition is both your greatest asset and your potential folly. You understand this, and so does Horgus. Together, the two of you set off, chasing that westward sunset, unsure of what lies ahead.
End Of Story