You decide to grab the barrel and sit inside hoping it will get you to the bottom safely.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" you scream as harsh waters toss your barrel around yet out of some twist of fate you safely land on the bottom, with both the barrel and your body intact.
You have successfully made your way to the lab, even the scientists who were already working inside couldn't believe your miraculous death-defying journey (they all came from the other side). After bringing your chemical breakthrough to them, and collaborating together on synthesising it, your team figure out the missing piece of the puzzle to fully create the Zovid-vaccine, and a few short keystrokes later, you post the chemical formula on the internet for pharmacists around the world to replicate and deliver to their people.
You have cured Zovid-19!
You WIN!
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" you scream as harsh waters toss your barrel around yet out of some twist of fate you safely land on the bottom, with both the barrel and your body intact.
You have successfully made your way to the lab, even the scientists who were already working inside couldn't believe your miraculous death-defying journey (they all came from the other side). After bringing your chemical breakthrough to them, and collaborating together on synthesising it, your team figure out the missing piece of the puzzle to fully create the Zovid-vaccine, and a few short keystrokes later, you post the chemical formula on the internet for pharmacists around the world to replicate and deliver to their people.
You have cured Zovid-19!
You WIN!