You run towards the group violently and heroically fight off the party. The mob were crazed but manage to use superior tactics and positioning and somehow scraped through victorious.
However, unknown to you, one of them was a Zovid carrier and you weren't wearing a facemask. So even though you won the battle, you lost the war, as the Zovid virus enters your body and starts turning you into a zombie as well.
Slowly and painfully you transform bit by bit into a zombie without ever getting to deliver the cure you need.
However, unknown to you, one of them was a Zovid carrier and you weren't wearing a facemask. So even though you won the battle, you lost the war, as the Zovid virus enters your body and starts turning you into a zombie as well.
Slowly and painfully you transform bit by bit into a zombie without ever getting to deliver the cure you need.