
After searching for a few moments, you find a passageway, angled in such a way from the main stairs that it could only be seen by someone ascending. Lowering yourself down the narrow stairs, you find a passageway leading sharply down in perfect counter spiral to the main staircase. Unfortunately, the hallway is entirely pitch-black. As you scan around for a light source, a sudden quake of the structure topples you forward, shrouding your inadvertent descent in dust. For a few agonizing moments, you fall down the sharp stone stairs, blood thundering in your ears.

Barely conscious, your eyes drift lily across the floor you've come to rest on. A sharp contrast to the white walls you had seen above, these dark stones are painted in vibrant colors of red and blue, depicting great murals you can't seem to focus on. Trying to move, you are wracked with pain as your limbs refuse to respond. As your breath grows more rattled, your last vision is of several skull-faced figures frantically trying to shove tomes into some sort of silver, radiant box.


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