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The Disappointment

After killing a few hours in your bedroom (with a crusty issue of Penthouse), you decide to join your parents at the dinner table. Trying to ignore your smirking father, you instead focus your full attention on the plate your Mum places in front of you. Great. It's cold corned beef and steamed veggies - again.

"How was work, Chief?" your mother asks, only half interested.
"Didn't go..." you mumble through a mouthful of potato. "Felt a bit sick this morning."
"You drink too much. It's really not good for you." Mum sighs.
"Nah, I didn't drink that much, it must have been a bug going around or something." you lie.
"Well, we're going 'round to Uncle Reg's tomorrow night for a barbecue, so hopefully you'll be better by then."
Your ears prick up. Family events are always a piss-up, so it'll be a great chance to get shitfaced for free.

"Oi!" your Dad interrupts. "Does this remind you of anything?" You glance over at him. He's holding up a baby carrot, waving it mockingly. You flush red, and look back down at your plate. You scoff the last of your corned beef in record time before shoving your empty plate in the direction of your mother. "Don't forget to do the dishes tonight." she says as you get up from your chair. You pretend not to have heard her, humming to yourself as you leave the dining room.