Superheroes are Normal?

You rushed yourself into the cafeteria and over to the lunch-line to collect your food before the line got too long. Phew, you could’ve been in a serious situation of being cramped in a line full of sweaty kids who haven’t even bothered to take their showers yet. The dinner options were very minimal but at least they looked appetizing, some of them were simple dishes, like simple lasagna or just chicken Parmesan. Some of them however, seemed to have a little bit of a uniqueness to them, such as mango and sticky rice, black pudding, and Falafals. You were feeling basic today, so you just went with lasagna.

Once you were out of the line, you scanned the room to try to find August. You looked towards the corner that you two sat at during lunch. Sure enough, he was sitting all alone waiting for you. You quickly made your way towards the corner table, excited, yet scared of what August will talk to you about during this time. He could have some really messed up past, and you would feel totally bad because of how pushy you were. Honestly,you really hope that wasn’t the case.

You waved a little, then you sat down across from the dual-colored boy, “Hey, fancy meeting you here!” You joked, trying to ease up the atmosphere.

August smiles lightly, “And to you as well. Well, we did have a planned conversation topic, but it’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable with the topic anymore. If you do, then I do have to warn you, it’s emotional.” He said in a serious tone, scaring you just a bit, but you weren’t backing down because you were worried for August and his well-being.

You nodded your head, signaling him for him to continue. You were curious, but not so curious to where you were desperate to get answers. You felt as if August would appreciate your patience, rather than rushing into everything. It can be hard to open up and say everything at once, so you weren’t expecting to hear everything tonight.

August sighed, “Well, as you may know, my father is the number three hero in the whole country. He’s looked up to for being a stern, but hot-headed Pro-hero.” August paused, thinking, “But he’s greedy. He’s not satisfied by the place he’s been given, and can’t accept that he’s not number one.”

“So, if he wasn’t going to become number one, then someone within his own bloodline must. That’s the thought process of my father, and the main reason why I’m here.” August grumbled in anger, “That man has done everything to tear his own family into a spiraling mess. He made my mom feel miserable, and my siblings feel rejected.”

You could tell that August was extremely upset, making you frown. You never meant for him to become sad in this conversation.

“August, I know this might sound insignificant...but I’m so sorry for preening this sensitive topic out of you. On another note though, I had no idea you were going through that. Even though this might sound stupid, I want you to know that whenever you’re feeling upset about your dad, or anything else, that you can talk, or even spar with me! You said yourself that punching makes things like this feel a bit better, right?” You tried to comfort him, but it was difficult, since it was pretty hard to empathize with him.

August looked at you and smiled, “You’re not stupid...and thank you.”

You smiled back, then you two started to slowly ease your way back into simple conversation.

After the bell rang and you and August got to the dorms, you parted ways in hope to meet up and continue the week’s worth of classes and training sessions.

You opened your dorm room door and immediately made a crash-landing on your bed and instantly started to doze off due to your mental, emotional, and physical drainage.

You thought back on the conversation at lunch, the topic of August’s past buzzed around in your mind. You could tell that he was giving only a vague glimpse of his family life, but you were thankful that he opened up to you all the same.

Right when you reached the edge of sleep, only one thought crossed your mind.

Maybe this year won’t be so bad...
End Of Story