Superheroes are Normal?

You decide you sit with Effie, I mean, it DID look like the best and safest option for you. Well, at least you think so.

You walked over to the table where Effie and her acquaintances resided. You stood at the edge of the table, wanting to first ask permission to sit down with the rest of them first. What kind of person just...sits down with strangers without asking first? Your thoughts automatically turned to Axel to be the type of person to do such a thing. You had come to realize just how predictable his actions were...always too angry for no were kinda relieved you didn’t sit with him, to be honest.

You stood at the edge of the table, the girls turned their heads towards you, “Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?” You tried to form your words to be as simple, sweet, and polite as humanly possible.

Effie was the first to respond, “Oh sure thing! Please, come sit!” She patted the vacant spot right next to her.

You smiled, then you placed your lunch tray next to hers, and plopped yourself directly on the spot Effie gestured to. There was a sudden wave of silence casted upon most of the girls seated at the table, some of them whispering to each other about who knows what. You got worried for a moment, until…

“What’s your nam-“

“How do you style your hair that wa-“

“What’s your powe-“

“Who’s your favorite Pro-Her-“

Whoa, too many questions! You turned to Effie, who was just laughing and trying to calm everyone down. You also started laughing, then started to answer each question, one by one, with as much detail each girl wanted from you. This process went on for about a solid fifteen minutes, and you really didn’t mind it that much, since it seemed like you were befriending most of the people at the table.

Effie then faced you after what seemed to be a lightning round of Jeopardy and smiled once more, “Woah! I can’t believe you handled all of those questions so well. I could never!” She joked.

You sighed, “It’s not TOO bad, I mean, as long as this doesn’t happen every single day...then I think I’ll live.” You laughed, while Effie joined in as well.

“Can’t promise that it won’t be like this everyday! Girls really do love to talk and get all of that juicy gossip, huh? They really don’t leave each other alone, but I personally think that’s better than having to be in a dull and silent place.” She spoke sincerely, dimples stretched across her face.

You nodded, then returned back to your food. After about five minutes of finishing off your meal, the next bell rang and echoed around in the cafeteria. Kids then started to messily put their trays away while rushing back to their designated classrooms. You felt a light tapping on your shoulder when you stood up to dump your tray. You turn and see Effie, who seemed like she wanted to have one final word with you.

You turned around to face her so she could finally speak with you, “Hey! I know this might sound, like, totally weird and stuff...but I really think you’re pretty cool! So you’re welcome to sit with me anytime you like! A-and maybe later, we could train together for gym class? Maybe we could teach each other the ropes of this place...because I sure am more clueless than anyone here on all this hero stuff.”

You nodded and soon agreed with her to be her future partner for both of your training classes. You waved and said your “See you later today”’s, then you were both off to your home room class. Lunch really wasn’t as bad as you thought it was going to be on the first day...