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Soul Thief

Earth was a passion project for Sage Edol.

He created the universe, but in all its vastness it was still seemed strangely empty.

Oberon hadn't minded the emptiness, spent most of his time travelling to stars, slicing them through their cores and leaving blackholes in his wake.

But Edol was pressing atoms together in more and more intricate ways.

And suddenly he formed one living thing, a small ameba that carried its own life, and with it, was able to form more of itself. Humans later called this DNA.

But humans did not form until much later.

Oberon admired the dinosaurs until Edol struck all those dead with a meteor. That was a busy day. And then he admired the furry mammals that existed thereafter.

But soon those died as well. It seemed Edol was trying again and again to create some perfect being.

Oberon argued that Edol was too prideful, said that while Edol thought all his beings were perfect but killed them anyway.

Oberon did not admire life like Edol did, but it seemed neither did Edol for some time.

But the furry mammals became smaller, then they resorted to walking on two feet.

They act like us, Oberon said one calm afternoon.

"Indeed," said Edol. "Just as I planned."

Oberon was suspicious of such a statement.

Oberon knew well Edol never planned a thing.

But it almost seemed like he did plan these two-footed mammals.

Humans emerged. They stood tall and spoke simplistic words. And Edol was sure that the female humans were beautiful, so that their species could carry on.

Oberon did not find them beautiful. The dinosaurs had been strong and mighty and cruel. These humans had flesh that easily bruised and bled, and their bones were weak and breakable.

"Perfect," Edol had said. But Oberon said no such thing until Irene was created.

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