(NOT A STORY)Chars31 Info

The name's Andrew.

With the popularity emerging of the Wayback Machine website, where you can check out any old websites you used to visit from the mid 90's, onward, I felt a bit nostalgic about the old chat I used to frequent back in day.

Sure enough, there it was! So I Decided to check it out through Google, and insanely enough, it's STILL OPERATIONAL!...Albeit dead...very dead...like, for a very long time now *Sadface*.

So yes, even though it's not TECHNICALLY gone, it is still, for the most part forgotten.

Upon doing a little more digging, I found some tweets and some deviantart posts(that are amazing with the accuracy and info, check them out!)of individuals who had almost identical experiences as I did, and this was almost over 20 years ago!

That's what sparked my curiosity and put the nostalgia in full force for me, and that's why I've decided to take it upon myself to attempt at least, to reach out to others who had this hobby 2 decades ago, bring them up to speed as to what has happened over this time, and share in the experience that was a very integral part of my youth with others who did the same!

You can see more details about this cause in the "What is this about?" section of this index.

But for now, here's a bit about me and what brought me to this point.

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