Swgoh farming flowchart

Because mods are a farm of a different nature, this flowchart is not the best resource for how to optimize your mod energy.

I recommend checking out https://gaming-fans.com/star-wars-goh/swgoh-101/swgoh-101-comprehensive-mod-guide/ to get a basic understanding of mods, how and when to farm them vs slicing them, etc.

I also suggest visiting https://mods-optimizer.swgoh.grandivory.com/ after you accrue a collection of mods. Developed by GrandIvory of Jedha (The Republic), this tool scans all the mods you have equipped, and then prioritizes them based on the order you list your characters and tells you how to reassign the mods. I personally re-use the tool about once every two weeks, to account for newly acquired mods or recently sliced mods.