Tomb Raider: The Lost City of Nazarian

You take a seat on the dirt ground of the hut and watch as the villager sets aside his basket and lays down his spear and lights a fire in the middle of the hut.

"Not long ago the city of Nazarian was once a great city of worship to the gods. Then after a feice holy war, the Gods had come down and had lifted the city to the skys. Then when the city betrayed the gods, the gods cast down the city from the heavens above and sunk the city below the earth and there is where it has been ever since."

"But the Nazarian caverns, where do they begin?" you ask.

"At night, the moon will cast a shadow and will emit it's shadowed arrow to the entrance." says the villager as he now shuts his eyes and smokes a pipe.

You and Lara both leave the hut not sure of what the old man had been talking about when he spoke of a arrow or the moon. Perhaps he was just crazy from what ever was in that pipe.