Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Rift Station: Open Worlds

A holographic projector merely imitates a 3D environment visually for a viewer to observe. A simulator in a full holosuite however taps into the brain waves and engages all the senses. This one, as to be expected from equipment in a state of the art research facility funded by two galactic powers, looks high tech and expensive as fuck.

An instructor with beautifully manicured hands and platinum blonde hair in an elegant French twist introduces herself as Adelaide, and shows you how to work the device. Once she seems sure you won't break anything, she leaves to help someone else. You quite enjoyed her company and find yourself wishing she'd stayed a bit longer.

Turning your attention to the datagems on the shelf, the circuitry-stuffed cabochons already inserted into labeled cartridges, you browse the selection.

You know of course there's not much that can truly be done to prepare one for what they may find on an alien world. But since the available locations have been selected for being 'safe', these lessons try to cover the extreme ends of the biomes and conditions your species can thrive in, universal tips for dealing with unknown flora and fauna, and subjects such as first aid and other basic matters of survival.