There's A Man In The Woods

Of course you have a job, a job at ko mart. More specifically, accounting. You walk outside and get in your car. Your feel a sense of relief that your car is there. But, why doubt that it's there, it will never leave. You start up your car and pull out of the driveway, the world is your oyster, and nothing can change that. You drive around a bit till you reach your office. Strange though, there was no cars on the road. Must have just come early. You open the door and see your office, no ones here.

"Perhaps there's a meeting" you think to yourself as you enter the building.

As you enter the office your head is suddenly filled with a flood of thoughts.

"No, this isn't how it's supposed to be. No I must leave, this isn't it. This isn-"

You have 1 choice: