
The clouds were close, but they wouldn't need much time--just had to find a makeshift shelter, or even jury-rig one themselves.

The brash boy nodded, "Yes sergeant. I'll look for shelter, maybe there's a cave nearby." Then with impatience, he began going up the mountain trail.
Sighing, the lazy boy took out his rifle. Placing it on his lap, he lied back on the ground and arms behind his head.

He looked at the old man and exclaimed, "Oh! Don't mind me, I won't be of much use."

"God, I feel exhausted." Then with a yawn, he slept amongst the grassy roots.

The clever boy looked at his peer.


"I guess I should gather tinder for a fire." Then with tired face he entered back into the thicket, bolo knife in hand.


The quiet boy then said, "Mhm, I'll go with you." Thus, he disappeared into the thicket as well.

Left to himself, the old man had a choice: He could go along with one of the boys, and help prepare to camp out.

Or he could just take a nap. There's that.