* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)


Today was a good day... you thought.

At night, you toss and turn a little. The "bed" was always uncomfortable but you
got used to it.

You close your eyes, and finally fall asleep.




You have a dream.

You're frolicking in the fields of money. All the success and richness you've made.
It's a glorious place.

"Wow!" you gasp, "Where am I?"

You wished this wasn't a dream, you wished that this could be reality.
But it's sadly not.

As you sniff the dollar bills, you hear something...

"He's not PROFESSIONAL enough." something calls out in the distance.

Another person giggles, "YEAH, he isn't quite FIT for the job..."

You cower in fear. You dive into the money piles and hide.

You call out under the piles, "W-Who's there!? What do you want from me!!!"

They snicker.
They laugh an evil laugh.
You keep sitting in the same position you're in while
shaking in fear.

They keep laughing, "We see you. You can't hide from us, little monkey."

You keep on standing still, sweating your butt off.
You want to run but you can't. You want to shout but you can't.

You want to breathe... but you can't.

Then, the light hits you.


Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire

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