* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Walking and Walking

You start to come down from your treehouse hideout...
Chills run down the back of your spine, but you don't know why.

"Jeez, is it cold in here or something?" you say to yourself, thinking that would help.

You step down the ladder, one at a time.

Step by step.

Step, by step.

Step. By step.


You see someone you recognise!

"Hey! MCC, is that you?" you shout at her.

She turns around.

"Oh! Hey Monkey Poo Poo! Long time no see, heh. I just wanted to drop by, see how you're doing.
So, how's life being homeless?" she asks you.

That's a very personal question to you. You get kind of angry about it but just
shrug it off.

"Heh, I'm doing fine. Kind of sad but... it's alright."



Then, you two just sit there in silence.




"Phew, it's cold." she says.


"Welp, I better get going!" she waves to you as she leaves. "Goodbye then!"

"Okay uh, bye-" you proceed to say your goodbyes, but she already left...

You sigh as you climb back into your treehouse and proceed to fall asleep...


Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire

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