Midnight Snack

When I step at the entrance of the cave, it makes an echo.
"Seems big enough." I say to myself. Some more wandering later, I reach a room in the cave with three kinds of rocks: smooth rocks, usually under dripping stalactites or waterfalls, jagged rocks, and rocks with the same fur as outside. I keep wandering, because I'm curious, and come across a massive wolf, with teeth the size of razor blades. It growls at me with eyes like those of a killing machine.
I try to get ready for combat, but I have no weapon to ready. This causes me to stupidly retreat and run out of there. Wolves are dangerous predators, so it caught up to me in a matter of seconds, even though it was on the other side of the room. The wolf's teeth tore my skin to shreds and ripped my muscles apart. The wolf feeds on me until I'm nothing but a pile of bones.
End Of Story