Just a college girl discovering herself...

As you enter your room, you stop as you notice that your roommate’s side of the room is filled with anime or goth-themed items.

Then your eyes met hers.

She was a petite Asian girl like you. Except she was wearing a shirt with an anime character on it along with dark lip stick.

She smiles and goes to hug you.

“Helllllo, Ally! I’m Trisha, your roomie.”

You smile at how welcoming she is, until she grabs your butt with a little squeeze.

“You’re cute,” she says with a wink and giggles as she goes back to unpacking like nothing had just occurred.

You decide to act normal too and go to unpack the rest of your belongings.

Trisha does chat with you a little and you discover she is bisexual.

You admit to her about your inexperience, and noted the mischievous look in her eyes.

“Don’t worry, will change that,” she says, with no follow up from yourself as you aren’t sure what to make of everything that is happening.

Your stomach starts growling and you notice it’s fifteen minutes before the residential hall dining room closes.

You point this out to Trisha, who immediately gets up.

“Well, lets go then!” Trisha barks as she goes to put on knee high boots.

You put on your sneakers and follow her out...

You have 1 choice: