Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

Obviously taken by surprise by these words Thomas quickly looks up to you with a stern look on his face, which really doesn't suit the usually so gentle features of his young and handsome face. But soon the look turns into a worried one and his voice sounds kind.

"That's no one, dear. It's just Henry, butler and supervisor of this house-keeping. But if I may give you some advice... You should try and stay out of his way. I suspect him of stealing and harassing the maids and he seems less and less reliable to me. The only reason for not having fired the man is that I can find no one to take his place."

Thomas now grabs your hand and squeezes softly. "I wouldn't want him to hurt you in any way my love, so I beg you to avoid him as much as you can."

You're surprised by this reaction. You nod as to say 'I will'.
Deep down you still feel that curiosity, but it also has made you think twice before approaching this man.

"Shall I walk you to your room, Amilynn?" Thomas suggests.