* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Saturday - Day 1

You yawn as you wake up in your secret hideout. The sun hits your eyes as you get up.
You tumble off your leafy bed on the hardwood floor.

"Ack!" MPP (You) says, "Jeez, that hurt."

As you rub your bruised head, you wonder what to do today. Then, you think of something!

"Ooh! I should get payback on my nasty cast! They kicked me out of my own show... they should get payback!"

You think of more plans with delight.

"They're so mean to me," you say with a frown, "They torture me everyday! Well, not this time. They work for ME! Not that ugly popsicle."


[You probably don't know what this story is about, so please read the *BACKSTORY*.]

Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire

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