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Lost in space

You are born on a space ship that has enough life support for 18 years, in the middle of space. The day you turn 18 and the life support runs out the captain of the ship comes up to you, “You have to chose what planet you are going to live after the ship goes a waste.”He explains in a voice that makes you feel like a little kid. “I know,” You shout with much rage and sadness for having to leave the ship you have lived on for 18 years. The first option you have is Crstolva. It has everything you could ever need to survive and more. The planet has three moons. One is the moon of crystals, one is the moon of gold, and one is the moon diamonds. The second planet is Desserta. It is a planet full or sand, pirates, and dangerous animals. Which planet do you choose?

You have 2 choices: