Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

Ah, welcome back. You may have noticed that this room has begun to deteriorate as a result of narrative contradiction. But not to worry! Now that you're properly informed on good decision-making, we're going to revisit a choice you made just a few minutes ago and see what the correct thing to do would have been.

This way please.

*back to the platform*
Now that we know your choices are meaningful, we can't have you jumping off the platform and dying. Imagine the main character dying senselessly halfway through the story, that story would make no sense at all. We just need to get you home as soon as possible before the narrative contradiction gets any worse. Unfortunately, it seems this place is not well equipped to deal with reality.

*In the employee lounge*

Almost there! You'll take the door on the left, back to the correct ending, the story will have resolution once again and you'll be home free in the real world. Now, remember. All you need to do is behave exactly as Stanley would. That means choosing responsibly and always putting the story first. I'm quite sure you'll be up to the task. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine. Alright, *ahem.*

When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.

You have 2 choices: