The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

*the first room of the office has turned into a blue hallway* Aha! I knew we'd missed something! The story! Here it comes!

*dead end* No, wait, never mind, not the story! Okay, let's head back the other way and retrace our steps.

*the office hallways become another place, with wooden walls, ceiling, and floor, and clutter everywhere* Now this...well I'll be honest, I don't recognize this place at all. Is this the story?

*another dead end where the door you entered through is* I don't think so. I can't quite recall, but I believe my story took place in an office that correct? you remember, Stanley? Well, you know what, since I've completely forgotten what we were supposed to be doing, how about this: You win! *cheering* Congratulations! I know you put in a lot of hard work, and it really paid off, so, good job!

Oh, no. No. I don't feel right about this at all. We both know you didn't put in any actual work for that win. Some people win fair and square and this was not one of those situations. Okay, I'm getting weirded out by whatever this place is. I don't care what might happen this time, I have to restart.

You have 1 choice: