The Oncoming and Unrelenting Storm

You stand on the outskirts of Sarhan. From here, you can see the skyline of the city, or what has been left behind by the ravages of time and man. From here you can see the outlines of a worn ziggurat, what may have once been a palace, and the remains of a market square. Here and there, mud brick houses are visible in streets strewn with rubble and debris.

Nearby, Zana and Farouk talk amongst themselves, your lieutenants formulating plans and areas of approach based off of what they know of the ruined city, and the army beyond it. There is no small amount of disagreement, as often seems to be the case.

The soldiers under your command continue to stand by. They care for their horses, maintain their pistols and swords, and attempt to keep themselves alert in spite of the fact that they have spent nearly every hour ahorse for three days. There are doubts as to their readiness.

And of course, the wind gives you a feeling of dread, as if it holds an omen. You learned from a young age that the elements of the earth have messages to give, to those who are willing to recieve them. But you know that listening will require more than simply hearing the wind. It will require you to Become the wind.

You have some time to prepare before you enter the city. What do you do?