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Entry Number 050603A

"I think finding my father first would be productive. They can take the passenger to Kylo and we don't have to deal with his bitchfest." I admitted what was on my mind, not in the mood to deal with the Supreme Leader and his wobbling moaning about the Force and whatnot. Rose nodded and snapped her fingers, gathering two more stormtroopers next to us. "I'm so glad we're friends, Ves."

I beamed proudly, looking back at the passenger as Rose told the troopers to take him to the Throne room. The two second silence that occured between them and Frost was enpough to show that they were not pleased with their new task, but Rose's broken screaming of "Now!" made them quickly set a hand to their helmetted forehead and scurry to business.

Our next action was to take the pilot in the emtpied interrogation rooms. I could already hear Rose, screaming her lungs out so hard it echoes in the rest of the empty rooms, making the walls shake with the sonic boom that was her voice. She couldn't control anger during sessions and I felt like I was already going 40% deaf before my second decade had already arrived.

When Navaien was strapped to the chair I kindly never wished to visit, I slumped in my chair by the control panels and data readers. I pushed a small droid around with my foot as it beeped, confused as to why it was constantly bumping into the same wall. It brought temporary enjoyment.

The last thing I saw of Rose was the tail of her coat before my father stepped in, making me release my jaw from tension and take in a deep breath. "How's the pilot? Rose gave him a pretty hard whack while we were down there, he hasn't woken up since."

Armitage made a grimace, one of smug content as he looked over the pilot, hands firmly clasped behind his back. "His heart beat is normal. Should be waking up after two more sleep cycles. If not, we'll make him wake up." He turned to me and the smile faded to be replaced with a softer look, walking closer to me and taking a seat next to mine. "You seem tired. Did the mission wear you off?" He asked, lowering his voice. I didn't understand why but he did that with me and with Milicent whenever we weren't our cheery selves. Did he see our happiness as a sign of whether the day was good or bad? Or maybe he treated us as children because he was only comfortable to show that side with us. Or maybe I'm just too tired.

"Rose gets tiresome sometimes. She has infinite energy when it comes to sessions." He nodded at my answer, sighing gently. I saw him palming his pockets and knew that it was his time for a smoking break. "You can go if you have work to do. I promised Frost I'd tell her when the subject wakes." At that, my father smiled. It was so rare to see my old man smile, but he looked so handsome when he did. He definetly didn't have my grandfather's features. I wonder what grandmother looked like.

"I'm here if you need me, Vestar. Report to me how the interrogation went. I heard you took the other boy to Ren. I'll go check what he says about him." He stood up, grunting when his knees popped. I smirked against my wish, pulling my coat closer to my body to warm myself in the chilly room. He looked at me with the cigarette still in between his middle and pointer finger, unlit. "What are you so smug about?"

"You'll check out what he says about the boy or how he says it?" It seemed like Armitage was already expecting my words as he rolled his eyes so far back before I even finished my sentence. Someday he'll roll his eyes so far back he'll see his brain. "You know fully well Ren is only my coworker and nothing more." He rolled his eyes once more before going through the door, muttering something to himself. "Don't disappoint!" I yelled after him, hearing a hackled cough in respond.

I sighed and soon slumped even further into the chair, sleep coming to my eyes much quicker than I anticipated.

Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.

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