
You walk up to the woman.

"Howdy, ma'am. Sorry to bother you but did you happen to see me fall back there? Cause I woke up and I can't seem to remember a thing."

The woman pauses her muttering and looks at you as if she was hearing another human speak for the first time.

"Without memory,
He must find his way back home.
Back to the river."

She flashes a toothy grin and heads off in the same direction, leaving you even more confused.

"A river? Is that where I live? Who was that lady?"

Armed with more questions than answers, you continue heading down the path until you see a parking lot.
You see a truck parked, which makes you search your pocket until you find a set of car keys. Out of sheer curiosity, you click a button and the truck flashes its lights. Eureka!

Now what?