One Way Out

You decided to leave. You turned your back on Brandon and tried to leave, but you saw John in front of you.
"Hey, what's up?" he said casually.
"Not much," you told him.
"You seen Brandon?" he asked you.
"Right down there," you pointed down the hallway to the commons. Someone suddenly tackled you and you saw that it was Brandon.
"You rat," he spat at you and held you down by your neck. There were black spots starting to form at the edges of your eyes.
"John... help," you manage to croak out.
"Working on it," you heard him said as Brandon rolled off, but he still had a death grip on you.
"If I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me," he said and his grip on your neck tightened. You couldn't breathe anymore and you struggled against his grip to no avail.
End Of Story