One Way Out

You walked towards Brandon, "Brandon?" you said quietly.
He looked up at you with dead eyes, "Hi."
"Are you okay?" you asked tentatively.
"They're all dead... It's just you, me, Emma, and John. We're the only ones left. Somehow Angeline and Amelia left," he told you quietly.
"What happened to Landon?"
Brandon looked behind his shoulder. "Let's find some place to hide, it's not safe here."
You followed him down C hall. Brandon only started talking when the two of you got into the cross hall. "John made me kill Landon. He told me if I didn't I was going to die. He said to do it in the most sadistic way possible. I just bought myself some time. You know, when I did that, I didn't have any control over my body. It was like watching myself run on autopilot."
"I'm sorry," that was all you could think of to say.
"I'm going to go now. It's best if we're not all grouped together like sheep," he said and went down to G hall.

You have 1 choice: