Social Media

Social media can lower self- esteem when life doesn't feel as "perfect" as other's. Also, along with other stressors, social media can provide more stress in ways such as likes and followers. Many of the pressures teenagers feel from social media are actually consistent with developmentally normal concerns around social standing and self-expression. Many experts have described a rise in sleeplessness, loneliness, worry, and dependence among social media users. In the same way that different teenagers need different types of social support from their parents, they need different types of digital support, as well. If your teen seems irritable or overwhelmed by social media, pay attention to what specifically is causing those feelings.

As you are using social media, you notice all the comments people have posted. "Oh, the test seems so easy," and "I am SOO prepared," even though you feel the exact opposite. One of these comments say "Oh, I don't think Micheal is prepared, don't say that," from your best friend. Because your name is Micheal you feel offended. Should you...