Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Narrator: Our Nidhogg Team has returned to Magnolia. Clairissa and Teresa are at the Grimm's residence(now returned to it's proper ground level) Sleeping in their Chibi Travel forms. Meanwhile, Clayton and Griffin head towards Magnolia Hospital.

Clayton Grimm:[To Chico] Hey...How you doing?

Chico Hammitt: Terrible...My dad's pestering me to head back to Fairy Hills...But...I should be ready for release any minute now…

Griffin: That's good...Hopefully your face isn't drastically disfigured...But even so, Clay and his sisters can use their Flesh Molding Magic to fix any abnormalities...So...Chico right?...How was your first real job outside of Magnolia?

CH: Amazing!...Lancaster is beautiful...I actually got to fight...I'm now commanding seven powerful wizards souls...And...I got my Wizard Name there...Nephthys...Lady of the Underworld...But...I guess it's more like Overworld...And...I know who Corey Glover is…

Griff: WOW!...Clay doesn't tell just anyone about his alternate life...So...How much did he tell you about himself?

CG: Nearly everything...Just...Not the really embarrassing things…

Griff: So...You know what Clayton really is...Don't you?

CH:[Nodding yes] Yes...And...I'd like to say thank you Clayton…

CG:[Surprised] Your thanking me?! Why!? I didn't protect you from those brats when they blasted you…

CH: That's not why I'm thanking you...I heard it all...Your conversation with my dad…

CG: You...You did?

CH: Yes...At least I remember it now...You stood up for me...When I couldn't...Literally! I couldn't stand back then…

CG: Uhhhm...We should go…

CH&Griff: Why?

CG: Because your dad is heading over here...He's about two blocks away…

CH:[Standing up] Then let's get out of here!

CG: Yeah...Let's pick up your stuff and bounce…

[In the Fairy Tail Guild Hall]

Cana Alberona: I can't believe that those idiots would actually take an S-Class job...

Macao Conbolt: I can't believe they'd drag Lucy along...

Wakaba Mine: With any luck, Gray'll bring them back...But knowing those boys, they'll probably fight on the way back.

Master Makarov Dreyar: Let's just hope Gray intercepted them in time. Taking a request out of one's capability is one thing. But not asking for permission for such a potentially life-threatening quest is unacceptable. I may go a bit easy on Lucy, since she's new to being in a wizard's guild, and probably just desperate to have ends meet.

As for Natsu, he ought to know better. That boy! He'll be lucky if I make him the S-Class wizards' official sparring dummy!

And for Happy...Well, let's just say that the ideas of shaving or spaying him is growing on me. Maybe even both.

[Laki and Laxus both chuckle menacingly with sadistic grins, Laki holding a surgeon's scalpel and mayo scissors, while Laxus held a shaving razor and hair scissors.]

Romeo Conbolt: Dad? What does Master Makarov mean by "spaying"?

MC: Great! Thanks a lot Master! Now I have to give my boy "The Talk"...

MMD:[Ashamed of himself] Sorry…

Mirajane Strauss: Actually Master...If I remember correctly, one of the rewards for the job was a Gold Celestial Gate Key…Besides! I told Lucy all about the S-Class requests and the second floor of Fairy Tail...And that only a select few can even take them...

MMD: Really!?!...Well...In that case...I won't have to feel guilty for using…”It”...On her…

Elfman Strauss: That poor, foolish girl...

Erza Scarlet: They'd better be aware of how insulting this is for the guild. Going against our customs like they mean nothing! Natsu better not be giving Gray such a hard time back. Because if he does, I'll make him regret it![Erza continues to eat her strawberry cake.]

[Clayton and Griffin enter the guild. Chico went to visit her mother's grave.]

CG: Hey guys! We're back!

[Erza slams her fist on the the bar top, standing up quickly.]

ES:[Irritated] Natsu! You'd better not given Gray a hard time getting back home! Because if you did...[Erza dashes towards Clayton, simultaneously requipping her sword, placing the tip between his collar bones.]
[Angry] I'll have you begging for Clayton!

Griff: Geez!...We've only been gone for a day or two...What's with her?!

MMD:[Cutting her off] Unfortunately, you have come at a bad time. Please, forgive her.

CG: O---kay….So what the heck happened that got you all…Off...Today?

MS: Well, you see...It's kind of a long story!

WM: Not really...

CG:So, what is it? Maybe I can help!

MMD: Well...As a member of Fairy Tail, I see no reason to keep you in the dark. You see, like most other guilds, we divide the requests we get, in our case, by two major boards. The one over there,[Points to primary job board in front of Nab Lasaro] Is where all the requests that, after some consideration, seem suitable for all of our wizards to partake on.[Looks back at Nab] IF THEY'D ONLY JUST PICK ONE!!!

Nab Lasaro:[Annoyed] Mmmm...

MMD:[Continuing]As for our second board upstairs, we post requests only permitted to our S-Class wizards. Even prohibiting non-S-class wizards from going upstairs in the first place.

CG:[Piecing it all together] And I'm guessing that Natsu went upstairs, took an S-Class request to try and complete, with Lucy and Happy, despite neither of them being S-Class wizards, all that, and without getting permission, let alone telling anyone!

MS: Wow! You nearly pieced it all together! You must be pretty bright.

CG: Really? How off was I? Did I miss anything?

LD:[Opens soda bottle.] One.[flicks bottlecap straight into the trashcan on the other side of the guild hall.] It wasn't Natsu who went and stole a request from upstairs. It was his cat.[Starts drinking]

CG: Happy!?!...Wait...That's why he was at the guild hall the night of our party!

LD: Yep! That's what Mistagen said...Great party by the way...Well, Gramps…[He walks down the stairs, heading towards the Main doors.] I've got a quest to complete...Thunder Legion! We've got a job to do.

[Laxus, Freed and his Thunder Legion headed out of the restored guild doors. Off to complete their mission.]

ES: Laxus, wait! I need your help to get the others back to Magnolia!

[Laxus stops, followed by the Thunder Legion.]

LD: Natsu can go jump of a cliff for all I care.
The cat-

Griff:[Interrupting] Which cat?

LD:[Thrown off] Ummm, Happy? Yeah, Happy!

Griff: Thought so...

LD: Anyways, HAPPY, can be that villages new pet for all I care. As for the blonde chick. Well, I feel a bit of pity for her, but just about everyone in the guild knows that hanging with that kid will get you either arrested or killed!

Fairy Tail:[Murmurs in general agreement]

LD: Freed! Is your team coming or what?

FJ: Yes Laxus! Thunder Legion! Move out!


[Chico bumped into Laxus]

CH:[Blushing beneath her bandaged face] Oh! Sorry Laxus…

LD: Uhhh...Who are you?[Looks at her orange cat hat] Oh...It's you, Chico...What the hell happened to you?

FJ: We're you in an accident?

Bickslow:[Mockingly] Or are you The Walking Dead!
Dolls: Blaaagh! Braaains! Uhhhhhhgh!

Evergreen: I must say Chico...I like your new look…*Giggles*

CH: 😧

CG:[Heading over to Chico with newly made bandage scissors] Here...We left in such a hurry they we're able to take them off…

*Snip* *Snip* Snip* *Snip* *Snip*

[Smiling. Eyes closed] There you go! Good as-[He opens his eyes to see her new face]...New…

Fairy Tail: 😨


CG:[Creating and handing her a mirror] Here…

[She snatches the mirror, realising that her face was no longer round like it usually was. Her facial structure could rival that of the other beautiful women of Fairy Tail. Her lips were even fuller than before. More so than the other ladies of Fairy Tail]

CH:[Touching her face as she looks at the mirror] I'm...I'm…

Loke:[Sliding an arm around her] Stunning...So…[Grabbing her by her chin] You free tonight?

[Shotgun cocking]

Cornelius:[With his shotgun trained at Loke's groin] *Sniffles* I'd back off your “Smooth moves”...[Whispers] Or we'll handle this situation...Spirit to Spirit…

Loke:[Quietly] How do you-

Cornelius:[Whispering] My nose never lies…

[Loke backs as far away as he could]

CH: Thanks Cornelius...Don't know what you did, but thanks…

Cornelius: *Sniffles* My pleasure Commander Nephthys…[He returned to her Soul Lacrima]

LD: Well...Let's...Get going...

[Laxus and the the others walk off for good.]

ES: Damn you Laxus. Our members' lives should be top priority!
Master! Please allow me to go out and return them here.

MMD: I'm sorry Erza, but if I'm going to allow anyone to go and bring them back, it has to be more than one S-Class wizard or equivalent.

MS: And me and Elfman are leaving tonight to go to the schools in the capital to inspire the kids there into pursuing a life and career in wizardry.

ElfS: The kids have been waiting since their last semester for this. We might be able to cancel, but...

ES:[Cutting him off] No! The children of Fiore are our future after all. Besides, it would be dishonorable if you were to break their hearts and cancelling days prior would be damaging to Fairy Tail's reputation.

CA: And it's not like Mystogan is here to help...[Drinks more beer.]

CG: What quest was it anyways?!

MMD: To lift the curse over Galuna Island!

Griff: Well...Isn't that funny...We just came back from the Valkyrie Village telling us about the situation over there...

MMD: Really!?!...Did they tell you about the curse over the island, and how it turns you into hideous monsters when one steps foot on the island!?

Griff: You mean the villagers in Galuna?! They aren't monsters, they're demons…

Fairy Tail: DEMONS!?!

CG: Yep! They're demons that are supposed to guard the old Luna Temple the Valkyries built for the mortal races...If they think they're human, then something must be wrong with the temple...Maybe a cult took it over and must be doing the Moon's Vail ritual all wrong...We were actually coming back to Fairy Tail to tell you we were going...But this could be even better... We'll join you, Erza! We're S-Class wizards too!

Griff:[Agreeing] Indeed!

CH:[Snickers] They don't know?!...

MMD: Not anymore you are!

CG&Griff: What?

LMG: You do realize that just because you were S-Class wizards in one guild, doesn't mean that your rank automatically transfers over to another guild you join.

CG&Griff: What!?!

CG: But we're powerful as all hell! We've been hired by The Magic Council dozens of times!

Griff: Besides..It's our duties as Valkyries to aid those villagers in their times of peril...

CG: We've taken down countless amounts of Dark Guilds...And all the assassins the heads of the Balam Alliance sent our way!

Griff: Don't forget...Our guild also bested Gildarts Clive in a fight!

Fairy Tail:[In disbelief] What!?!

CH:[Quietly] No way…[Thinking about Clay's true being] But...Maybe...

CG: Yeah! We even have a tooth of his![Pulls out a molar]

WM: That could be anyone's tooth!

Reedus Jonah: Except it's not! I can confirm this IS Gildarts' tooth. His wisdom tooth to be exact.

Fairy Tail:[Shocked] WHAT!?!

Griff: We even have a Magic Letter of Recommendation from Gildarts himself.
[Griffin pulls out the letter from his Magic Satchel, then handing it over to Master Makarov. After circling the seal with his finger, Gildarts' face became visible via Magic Hologram.]

Hologram Gildarts Clive: Is this thing on? Hello? What? I don't see a-Oh! Yeah, there's a light! What's it mean? Oh, okay...It is on! Hello my fellow fairies! Long time no see! Well...I...can't exactly see you guys, but this is good enough. Anyways...I'm making this letter as my formal recommendation for every member of...Uhhh...what are you guys called again? Okay, they're called, Sorciers...Sans...Frontié, yeah! these guys...I recommend them as S-Class candidates should any of them wind-up in Fairy Tail! After all, they did knock me out-cold after twelve hours of fighting! Even lost a couple of teeth![Gildarts grins, showing several gaps in his smile.] It was crazy, one minute, I was fighting five Dragon Slayers who were holding their own, then BAM! I'm out cold! When I came to, they said the Earth wizard slammed his head into my face...MAN my head's killing me...So anyways, these guys are pretty hardcore. Maybe even let them take an S-Class request or two huh you old geezer!?! Well, I'll see you all when I'm back at the guild I suppose. Later! And Natsu! Try and stay out of trouble! found my teeth? Great! Now I'll be able to still score some ladies....

Fairy Tail:[Murmurs] Did they really beat Gildarts? Just how strong could the be? Better remember that name, so I don't pick a fight with them...

MC:[Confused] Wait! Why did he say that you found his teeth!?! Did you keep one?

CG: No! We kept them all! While he was recording the letter, I was making false teeth that matched them completely, then all I had to do is put the fakes in his mouth and voilà! He'll never notice, they work just as well as real teeth!

CA: I can't believe my old man could ever get his ass handed to him...

MC: Come again Cana?

CA:[Flustered] I-I meant THE OLD MAN![Laughs nervously, then continues to drink.]

MMD: Well...If Gildarts vouched for you...I'll allow you both to take S-Class requests, with permission of course, including aiding Erza in retrieving our awol wizards.

ES: Excellent! We should head out at once!

CH: Mind if I tag along?

ES: Of course, Chico...The more the merrier...Plus...Your squad of souls could be very useful...

CG: Before we go...Do you have any brandy I can take for the road, Mirajane?

MS: You shouldn't be drinking and driving you know!

CG: No, my body can turn alcohol into gasoline when I drink it. I've never even gotten drunk before.


ES:[Confused] Planned to beat you!?! What do you mean, Cana!?!

CA: After they brought back Macao, Clay challenged me to a drinking contest...But he NEVER told any of us he couldn't get wasted!

CG: Guilty as charged!...Although...When I drink booze, it acts like a stronger diuretic for me than it would for everyone else!

CA: Levy...Translation…

Levy McGarden: It makes him want to go to the bathroom more often than it does for others is what he's saying...So, if he just had given up holding his bladder, you would have won!...And I'd have won the bet…

Fairy Tail: Same here…

Griff: But no one won...We ran out of tap before we a winner could emerge...

MS: Well, In that case...[Mirajane pulls up six Texas Mickeys worth of brandy.] Here you go!

CG:[Slaps down a thick stack of Jewels] Thanks...keep the change...[Chugs down a bottle, then eats the glass.]

Griff: Can I get my usual!?

MS:[Pull out a bottle of whiskey and cream liquor]

Griff:[Griffin opens both bottles, then guzzles them down simultaneously. Pulling out a large stack of Jewels and handing it to Mirajane] Keep the change...Now…[He flies into Clayton's down hood, riding in it like he usually does.] Let's go get TERRA, and hit the road…

MS: Awww! Seeing you ride around in his hood is SO-

Fairy Tail: 😨

CG: 😱

Griff:[Death Stare 😾] So WHAT Mira?!

MS: 😊...😳 So…Resourceful!

Griff: I thought so...

ES: Clayton! Before we leave, we should have some reserves of Magic Nectar...Make sure it tastes like strawberry cake...Once that's done, lead the way to TERRA!

CG: Right![Clay completes Erza's request.]

[The three four wizards make their way to The Grimm Heights.]

ES: You know...Although I've recently been to your home for your party, I never got to really see the place…[She enters the home as Clayton opens it for her like a gentleman, Only to see Clairissa and Teresa in their Chibi forms, which they change into to sleep and travel, as it gives them maximized speed and stamina.]

ES&CH:[Shocked] What the!?!

Clairissa G-Suede & Teresa Grimm/Grimm Twins:[Waving at Erza and Chico, attempting to speak, but their voices aren't working due to not being warmed enough]

Griff: It looks like the twins woke up...

CG: You two can't talk?

Grimm Twins:[Nodding no]

Griff: Must be from being in your travel form for so long...but you can understand us, right?

Grimm Twins:[Nodding yes]

CG: Okay! Me and Griff are going on a quest with Erza!

Grimm Twins:[In adorable voices] See you three later then![Waving goodbye.]

Good! See you in a couple of days!

[They head to their garage, where TERRA is. Opening the garage door.]

ES&CH: Wha...What are they?

CG: They're...a bit complicated to explain…I'll tell you about them later...But those two are my younger sisters…

CH: Those are your sisters!?!

ES: Your sisters are dolls!?!

CG: Yeah! So!?! That Bickslow guy has dolls too! And he calls them his babies!

CH: True...

ES: I guess you're right...Nevertheless, Let's get going!

CG: Right![Gets onto MATV-H. In default form] Here Erza![Hands her a motorcycle helmet. Snaps off hood from his coat, then secures it around his head like a leather cap, also putting his goggles on.]

CH: Shotgun!

Cornelius:[Head popping from her Lacrima] You called?

CH: Wrong shotgun…

Cornelius:[Realising his mistake] Oh!...*Sniffles* My bad…[He returns to the Lacrima]

CG:[With a newly-made motorcycle helmet] Here!...[Hands the helmet to Chico, who puts it on]

Griff: Head on in the sidecar first, Erza...I'll just ride on your lap…

ES: Very well…[She gets in the sidecar

[Griffin flies into the sidecar.]

CH:[She gets on behind Clay.] Let's go!

[Clay nods in agreement, starting up TERRA, the four of them head out of Magnolia. Heading towards the town of Hargeon.]

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