Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

NinjaHound13: After Forging some "protection", Clayton was ready.

Clayton Grimm: Alright! Now let's do--Huh?![He stares at her chest]

Chico Hammitt: What's wrong?

CG: I think somethings up with your Reappear Engraving...

CH: Really?

CG: Yeah...Mind giving me a better look at it?

CH: Sure![She lowers her bra, almost all the way off] Is everything alright with it?

CG:[Lowering her bra practically off] Let's see...Aha! There's the problem!

CH: What is it?...


[Aroused] Aaahhhaaah!...Clay!...

[Clay was sucking on her left breast, sucking and massaging her nipple with his tongue. Using his right hand to massage the summit of her mammalian hills. He stopped after five minutes of playing with it]

CH:[Calming down] You...Liar...

CG: I'm sorry, baby...I just was in the mood for some chocolate milk...

CH:[Understanding] Well...[Bouncing her right breast] There's more where that came from...If you're thirsty...?

CG: Sweetie...I'm always thirsty for Fairy Hills' milk...Matter of fact...That's a cute nickname for you...

CH:[Blushing] Yeah...You're right...Plus most people will just think it's because my dad owns Fairy Hills...

CG: Well...[Grabbing her right and left breasts] Tonight I'm owning THESE Fairy Hills...


CH:[Biting her lip in bliss] Ahhah!...These Fairy Hills' are ALL YOURS!...

[After owning her hill for another five minutes, Chico has some cravings herself]

You know…[Whispering to his ear] I've got some cravings of my own…

CG: Is that so, sweet thing…?

CH: I want some chocolate kisses…

CG: All you had to do was ask…

[They began making out for quite a while before Clay wanted something else]

You know...Maybe I should take a break...

CH:[Embarrassed. Thinking he's talking about the fact that he was injured earlier] OH! Uhhh...I had no idea you were still in pa-


[In a flood of arousal] AAHHAAAAHH!...What the hell!...Give me a warning, Clay!...

CG:[Going down on her] I didn't finish my statement...I wanted a break...And I want YOUR Kit Kat©...I'm sure it wanted some of my...Chocolate kisses...And...Some of my Cherry-Popping Laffy Taffy[Referring to his tongue] A woman's got two mouths...Both are beautiful...Both are tasty...Both spit back...But she can only speak from one...And I like it when I hear you talk…

CH:[Blushing extremely hard] Yeah?!...Well keep going...You're a great kisser…Both here![Points to her lips]...And down the-



[He clicked his tongue while kissing it, then began frenching her down under]

Calm down, Clay Lincoln!...You're gonna make me-
[Instead of Clay Aiken]


[She painted his face with her pelvic fluid]

[Apologetic] Sorry…

CG:[Sitting up on his knees]It's fine...You know…[He wipes and slurps a portion of the juice from his face] I actually know Clay Aiken...We're actually pretty good friends…

CH: What do you mean you two are good friends?

CG:[Grabbing her ass cheek] Remember when I said I didn't know who Corey Glover is?

CH:[Feeling his chest] Yeah…?

CG: I lied...I know who he is...Because I'm him...And you're the only girl besides my sisters’ to know that…

CH:[Amazed] Wha!? Really?!...So your ex doesn't know?!

CG:[Lays next to her] I was about to tell her...But...On our anniversary...After...After I would've proposed to her…

CH:[Shocked] YOU...Were gonna propose to her…?

CG: Yeah...Would have been on our anniversary coming up...Three years of love...It seems like it was a waste...HUH?!

[While Clay was telling his sorrowful statement, Chico had her try at Fellatio]

Hey! What you doing down there?

CH:[Pausing] Just wanna try your big, long pecan log…*LICK!* Heard they're filled with nougat…[She resumes]

CG:[Stimulated] Ahhh...You sure you haven't done this before?


[In pain] Ow!...I'm sorry!...I deserved that…

CH: Yeah...You did...Your balls still sore?

CG: Yeah...Why?

CH: Let me make them feel better…


CG: HELLO!...Your sucking on my nougat factories like they're Jawbreakers!...


[Clay's nougat trailed down his wand, only to have Chico lap it up]

CH: Mmmm...It tastes like...Coconut cream…[Looking] AAAHHH!!![She pulls away] Why's it glowing?!

CG: What do you mean? It's supposed to glow!

CH: No...No it's not...

CG: Oh, yeah! And how would you know?! Up until an hour or so, you were a virgin!

CH: I'm the older sister of two 11 year-old twin brothers...I've caught them in the act...Unfortunately…

CG: Wait...So it's NOT supposed to glow!?

CH: No without a blacklight, no…

CG: Oh...Well...I honestly didn't know…

CH: It's fine…*Slurp!* Because it still tastes amazing…But now...I wanna ride it!

[And rode it she did. For a solid half-hour, she rode his broom stick into erotic ectacy]

[Laying right up next to Clayton. Relieved] Ahhh...That was amazing...Now it's your turn to ride me!

CG:[Nervous] I don't know about that…

CH:[Teasing] What's wrong? I thought you were a man!

CG: You...Don't understand...Whenever I go on top, I end up breaking the pelvises of any girl I do it with...And that's usually the end of it…

CH:[Whispering into his ear] I can handle it…

CG: Okay…[He gets back on top of her] But don't say I didn't warn you…

Does Chico make it out uninjured?