
The zombies started to get closer, to close for comfort. You could visibly see Rico shaking with fear and sweat dripping down his face. The axe shaked violently is his hands, he would surely miss any swing he took.
“It’s over” he whispered, but it was loud enough for you to hear. You couldn’t survive with someone like this. Before the zombies pounced, you quickly pulled the axe from Rico’s hands and shoved him into one of the approaching threats. He lost his footing and fell to the ground.
“You MONSTER!” he screamed as the zombies closed in. He tried to get away but they were close enough to gnaw at his legs. His screams rung in your ears as the zombies feasted, but your decision was made.

-Rico is now deceased
-Your relationship with Rico has dropped to 0
-You acquired an axe