Meet the Krulls
Henry and his mother looked at the clock and it was already noon. They had so much to do and so little time to have fun. Henry got right on his phone and called the stratosphere tower in las vegas and told them they were coming, once he hung up, his mother called a pilot that had his own helicopter to take them straight there. They even stopped for lunch at one of gordon ramsay’s 5 star restaurants and had the biggest steak he’s ever seen in his life and it was amazing. He could not believe that his parents were letting him do anything and have anything he could want today! He couldn't wait to dive head first off of that building so right as they finished eating they went right there. Not a wise choice as it would turn out as henry would promptly throw up everything he just ate right when his bungee cord let down. He realized that it definitely was impulsive of him to eat that much even though his mother told him he could. As Henry laid on the ground with his hands on his face and just said “yes day or not that was not what i planned”. They chuckled together as they sat up and got ready to go home.