Meet the Krulls

As the mom and brother leave, the father calls out to me from the dining room, “Alright Evelyn, what’s on the agenda for us.” She replied back, “Well, since you can’t say no… I have always wanted to go skiing”. The dad was hesitant inside by hearing the word “skiing” and then started to contemplate the idea of being somewhere cold and not his comfy chair in the mancave but, as we all know the parent’s can NOT say the magic words (N-O-.) So Mr. Krull let out a sigh and bellowed “pack your bags , we are leaving in 10.” The young teen was ecstatic and headed straight to her room to pack. Once the packing was complete, the car was fully loaded and off they went. A few hours went by, they see a car up ahead with a sign that read “HELP” but they didn't see any passengers so the first choice arises should they?

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