Asylum: ~Lost Memories~

You turn and look down the path at your back. "Could be dangerous..." You mumble to yourself, though you know, that fortune favors the brave. So you take a deep breath, and begin on your way down the poorly lit hall. Balling your hands into a tight fist, you nearly have to force yourself to go on as the lights seem to slowly flicker off ahead of you. With every step you take, your own heart beat gets louder. What is the matter with you!? You're no chicken!
That's when you see him, a man, he stumbles around the corner and falls into the wall.
"Shit! Get the hell away you mother fucker!" One shot is fired from his gun, then another. You notice his bluish uniform, is he a gaurd? It doesn't matter, because as he pulls the trigger a third time, another bullet is sent directly between his eyes. He dies immeadiately ofcourse. Who shot him? You have a feeling, you're about to find out. So, what are you going to do tough guy?