Asylum: ~Lost Memories~

You glance up, slowly scaling up sexy bare feet, and amazing, long tanned legs, leading up to a large hips, and a thin waiste. This girl has curves in all the right places. Not to mention her large, pert breasts. Nice, you think, then realizing your contraints are gone you sit up quickly, dusting yourself off. Looking at her face now, and focusing on it as much as you possibly can with the other distractions. You see she not only has a nice body, but a gorgeous face, long black hair, though it's spread out in a mess. Her eyes are green and seem to glow with radiance. She licks her own, full lips as she glances down at you. Is she checking you out? You shake your head, you should really focus on the task at hand.
"Where the hell am I?" You ask her. She walks over to a nearby streatcher and sits on it, ignoring the obvious, wet blood caking it. She smiles at you, and cocks her head to one side.
"What's your name stranger?" She asks, still looking you over.
"Wha-? My name? What does that matter? Look, we gotta' get outta' here. I REALLY shouldn't be here!" You try to explain, but she cuts you short.
"I'm Nancy." She tells you, you start to say something, but she cuts you short again. "Listen, you'd better just relax, because I don't think we're getting out of here anytime soon. Believe me I've tried, but it's nearly impossible with all the gaurds...not to mention those freaky monsters." She explains in an annoyingly calm manner.
"What? Monsters??" She simply nods at your question. "Well, I don't care, I'm going home." You say standing. You stumble a bit, dizzy from the black out. She stands and helps you balance yourself out, slender fingers gripping your waiste. You turn back to her.
"Relax I said. We'll eventually come up with a plan, but you leave this room, where it's safe, and you're as good as dead. Now, why don't you stay and keep me company. Trust me, everyone else who went out that door alone, never came back....not in one piece anyway." Now she looks a bit more serious. Maybe she's right..maybe you should stay. "Besides, we could find plenty of things to do here anyway." She tells you seductively, and slides a hand over your pants crotch, then away.
Wow, this chick comes on strong. What should you do?