One Way Out

You walked up to Landon and said his name to get his attention. He looked at you and shook his head. "John's out for me, I know it."
"Maybe you're paranoid?" you offered up an explanation.
"I don't even know where Brandon is. What am I going to do?" he said, despaired.
"For starters you could hide somewhere instead of hanging out in plain sight."
"You don't get it, John finds you wherever you are. There is no escaping him," Landon's eyes were wild, something you had never seen before, "He'll find me, and he'll kill me."
"Why don't we -" you stopped talking as you saw John walk down the hallway, "quick, hide!" You held open the door to the auditorium for Landon and shut it. It was completely dark and you fumbled to find the light switch. The lights flickered on suddenly. There was no one here.