The Thief's Tale

Once you enter the office where the interview takes place, you sit down behind the desk, certain your pit stains were showing.
"Why do you want this position?" your interviewer instantly, began not giving you a chance to catch your breath.
"I think that I could rock the janitor style!" you reply confidently.
"Hmmmm we will...........take that into consideration," the interviewer answered. "Moving on, why are qualified for this job?"
"You know, all my experience in jail cleaning other convict's blood off the ground gave me A LOT of experience," you respond in your most prideful voice.
"That happened often?" The interviewer raised his eyebrows in concern.
"Oh yeah all the time," you shrug.
"Well, thank you............. we'll be in touch," he commented, and you detected the slightest bit of fear in his voice.

An hour later, you return home. Surprise, surprise! You don't get the job, so you return home to your fish Bubbles, secretly a little relieved. You were getting some separation anxiety.

You have 1 choice: