
"Hey, do you know whats going on?" you question the brown haired guard in a strong voice. He looks at you with a pitiful look in his eyes and states, "I'm really sorry, but I have no idea whats happening," You smile, trying to convince yourself that you would be fine. You try to hold in your tears, but you end up breaking down in front of the guard, and you sob, "I didn't ask for any of this to happen to me," your voice cracks in the middle of your sentence, "Why am I even here? I didn't do anything wrong. I should have just taken the plane!" A pang of guilt strikes the guard. He knows exactly what's going to happen to you, of course. You look broken, and he wants to help you, but he knows he can't. In an attempt to distract you he starts telling you that you won't be harmed. He tells you that you just have to take a couple of paper tests with some other people. You wonder why you've been kidnapped to take some tests, but you decide to believe what he tells you.

You have 1 choice: