The Thief's Tale

You think the only logical thing to do is to hide, so you duck into the small space in between a Port-a-Potty and a large dumpster. The stench is horrendous, and it clouds your brain. You haven't even realized you are slowly leaning out of your hiding space, revealing your backpack filled with stolen treasures, until you hear a gruff voice shout, "Hey, you there. Come out so we can see you."
His voice was empty of accusation, only curious, but you knew that once he saw the contents of your backpack, that would change.
"I have to make sure that he doesn't open my backpack," you tell yourself, as you put your arms up and crawl out of your hiding space.
The officer pats you down, only finding a few cents in change and three sticks of gum in your sweatshirt pocket. When he reaches for your backpack, you dodge him and start sprinting away. Unfortunately, you failed to notice that the officer had a taser gun attached to his belt. You wouldn't have noticed, either, except for the fact that the officer decided to use that very gun to stun you.
Immediately, you collapse, shaking from the taser. As you fall, the latch on your ancient backpack finally breaks, spilling out all of the contents of the bag before you and the officer.

You have 1 choice: